Now that's scary! WAYYY better than my scary flash! Good on yer!
Now that's scary! WAYYY better than my scary flash! Good on yer!
I like it, and don't like it at the same time. It was wierd. No offence, but were you on drugs when you thought this one up?
hh h
M-Bot is evil!
ONe of the ones was a bit crappy but it seems that M-bot is a BASTARD! You really captured him and he should have water poured on him so that his curcuits SCREW UP!!!!! (I bet he deletes this review!) I reviewed a really crappy chavvy tune saying it was crap and GUESS WHAT - it got deleted! M-BOT IS A CHAV! I think I'll make a game called KILL M-BOT! HE MUST DIEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I loved every part of it. Good work!
Change the music though.
The truth has been revealed...
The tune was hilarious. I liked the way you portrayed the bloke. Is his real name Eric Bauman? I didn't know that he nicked people's flash and MADE MONEY off of it!
That's all I can say. The choppy animation made it even better for me, but I think you copied quite a bit from the original Madness series. Even so, I would love to see another like this for Madness Day 2008.
might do one.. o tho i am only 20 sic's into the next one and am very lasy.
thanks for the response tho. people like u make me want to do one more.
Bloody hell
That was a brilliant flash and you deserved that front page!
Lovin' it!
Short but sweet. Well done.
Age 30
Joined on 3/22/08